
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Robert Marciniak


It is fashionable habits to talk about value added in all segments of the economy. However, talking about the value added at any kind of level, for all stakeholders, it is a clearly expressed endeavor to do higher value added activities. This initiative is especially true in the field of business services, which is known in the advanced economies as one of the fastest-growing business area. However, this prompts the question what means the higher added value? How can you categorize your activities on the basis of added value? Why the economic policy makers think that high value added activity is a panacea today? Is there a precise methodology for measuring the value added at each level? These are less answers in the literature. The research goal is to walk around this issue primarily within the topic of business services.


Keywords: Value Added, Business Services, Service Delivery, Performance Management, Service-Dominant Logic,


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