
Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Autumn (November)



Miklós Berczeli , Zoltán Weltsch


Aluminium foams structures, due to its impact absorbing properties could be considered as passive safety systems in transportations which still have a great potential for development as a way to reduce deaths and injuries, which is also associated to the economic costs and social impacts associated with this problem. On the other hand, from an environmental standpoint, the use of advanced composite materials to this end can also represent an optimized level of energy efficiency. The impact energy absorption, with the use of a well-designed lightweight protection system, is directly related to the thermal efficiency and consumption of the engines, thus leading to a lower level of greenhouse gases sent to the atmosphere. Without developing manufacturing technologies, it can not be possible, that is why the joint technology should adapt to the recent, combinations of materials. The connection between aluminium foam to aluminium foam design is one way for the bonding established by adhesives. In this paper adhesive joining of aluminium foams were investigated for the base of a further research project.


Keywords: Development trend, Aluminum foam, Joint technology, Surface treatment, Adhesive, Wetting,


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