
VOL 4, NO 1 (2017): SPRING (APRIL)


Survey on Software Defined VANETs

Sara I. Boucetta, Zsolt Csaba Johanyák, László Károly Pokorádi


Modern vehicles are equipped with a wide variety of sensors, on- board computers and different devices supporting navigation and communication. These systems aim the fulfilment of various demands on the improvement of traffic safety, traffic/route optimization, passenger, comfort, etc. Inter-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure communication plays an important role in this process, which resulted in the birth of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. In the first part of the article, the key ideas of VANETs and their communication types are presented, then the most important features of vehicular ad-hoc networks are discussed followed by typical application types and actual characteristic research directions. The second part of the article focuses on Software Defined Networking and its application possibilities in VANETs emphasizing the benefits they can provide.


Keywords: SDN, MANET, VANET, ITS, Control Plan, Data Plan, V2V, V2I,


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