VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)
Hungary is at the forefront as regards occurrence of diseases, which would be preventable by continuing consciously lifestyle. Thereby, in the long run expenditures those spend for medical care would be saved in government level. At the same time, not all forms of disease prevention able to cause beneficially effect proved statistically. My starting hypothesis is about that in Hungarian regions where the number of diseases is lower due to the health-conscious lifestyle, so the OEP financing due for the lower case numbers per capita, relatively more money is spent on non-prescription (OTC) drug consumption, namely total household expenditures spending on pharmaceuticals are higher than level which could be assume based on the number and frequency of morbidity. I have concluded that the role of self-medication inside of drug consumption is not influence the regional medical care expenditure per capita.
Keywords: health, expenditures, consumption, OTC, drugs,
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