
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Sebők, Marianna; Hégely, Péter


There is a common opinion that the Hungarian society is "soil- bound", i. e. people are not able or are not ready to get out of their usual life and working environment even if they could live a better life in another place. This low-level mobility is especially conspicuous in the public sector. The authors studied in their research the horizontal institutional and vertical social mobility processes observable in a totally closed convict prison and career strategies that can be formulated by and for employees of a prison for male convicts at the Austrian border of Hungary. Results of a targeted survey show that, actually, there is no transfer for employees between individual convict prisons and even a full professional career can be planned and realized in the same convict prison with a good chance.


Keywords: Workforce mobility, labor mobility, Commuting, Prison regime, Imprisonment rate, Sopronkőhida,


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