
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Tünde Orsolya Nagy


Numerous definitions regarding the different levels of competitiveness can be found in the specialized literature. This treatise deals with the effect of Lean on the competitiveness, from its point of view, the corporate-level as well as product- level competitiveness are decisive. Several competitiveness researchers agree that the leaning practices of Lean enhance the corporate-level competitiveness but the results expected from leaning and the actually realized results do not correspond with each other fully in most cases. Its reason is that Lean, by itself, is not able to solve fundamental production problems. However, there is no accordance in the question what causes the growth of competitiveness exactly. Typically, the so-called “hard” technical practices are highlighted, albeit the accentuation of “soft” factors becomes more and more justified, in my opinion. Lean increasingly outgrows the production system of corporations, every process of the corporation can be leaned, even in case of a corporation performing service providing activity as well.


Keywords: economy, competitiveness, lean, production system,


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