
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Beatrix Darmstädter


The Collection of Historic Musical Instruments (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) has gained extensive experience in 3D-CT-based inspection, rendering, visualization and measuring of unique, fragile items and museum exhibits due to two large research projects it has supervised since 2007. The project supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) focussed on a broad group of Renaissance wind instruments (18 cornetti, a serpent, six crumhorns and a wind cap shawm). The research objective was the exact calculation of all acoustical and structural parameters that are not accessible without using a 3D-CT non-destructing test procedure to enable realistic reproductions of the musical instruments by instrument makers. The other project, supported by the OeNB- Jubiläumsfonds, is still in the implementation phase, and aims to document the conservational condition of precious violins and to demonstrate the contingent deformation of recently made violins’ constructional parts within a long term playing. The present survey informs about the different high- technological devices used for the examination of historic musical instruments and reports on the research findings.


Keywords: 3D-CT, organology, geometric measurement, musicology, museology,


[1] Beatrix Darmstädter: Einleitung, in: Die Zinken und der Serpent der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, ed. byBeatrix Darmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums, vol. 7, ed. by Sabine Haag, Vienna-Bergkirchen 2011, p. 11.
[2] Beatrix Darmstädter, Dietmar Salaberger: Integral Curve versus Separate Bell. Aspects on the Construction Modesof Crumhorns, in: Proceedings of the CIM09 (Paris 2009), [Online:], p. 2?3 [Accessed: 20-November-2015].
[3] Dietmar Salaberger: Bestimmung von Geometriemerkmalen mit Hilfe der industriellen Computertomographie, in:Die Krummhörner und die Windkapselschalmei aus der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, ed. by BeatrixDarmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums, vol. 8, ed. by Sabine Haag, Vienna 2015, p.118.
[4] Dietmar Salaberger: Bestimmung von Geometriemerkmalen mit Hilfe der industriellen Computertomographie, in:Die Zinken und der Serpent der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, ed. by Beatrix Darmstädter,Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums, vol. 7, ed. by Sabine Haag, Vienna-Bergkirchen 2011, p.112?113.
[5] Beatrix Darmstädter: Konventionen zur Katalogisierung, in: Die Krummhörner und die Windkapselschalmei aus derSammlung alter Musikinstrumente, ed. by Beatrix Darmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des KunsthistorischenMuseums, vol. 8, ed. by Sabine Haag, Vienna 2015, p.131.
[6] Beatrix Darmstädter, Dietmar Salaberger: Erste Ergebnisse der 3D-röntgencomputertomographischenUntersuchung an Blasinstrumenten der Sammlung alter Musikinstrumente, in: Technologische StudienKunsthistorisches Museum, vol. 5, ed. by. Martina Grießer, Elke Oberthaler, Alfons Huber, Vienna 2008, p.111?112.
[7] see [6], p. 134?137.
[8] Beatrix Darmstädter: Konventionen zur Katalogisierung, in: Die Zinken und der Serpent der Sammlung alterMusikinstrumente, ed. by Beatrix Darmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums, vol. 7, ed. bySabine Haag, Vienna-Bergkirchen 2011, p. 121.
[9] Beatrix Darmstädter, Dietmar Salaberger: Katalog, in: Die Zinken und der Serpent der Sammlung alterMusikinstrumente, ed. by Beatrix Darmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des Kunsthistorischen Museums, vol. 7, ed. bySabine Haag, Vienna-Bergkirchen 2011, p. 185?227.
[10] see [9], p. 231.
[11] Marin Mersenne: Harmonie Universelle contenant la Théorie et Pratique de la Musique, vol. 3, Paris 1636 [facsimileCNRS 1986], p. 278.
[12] see [9], p. 217.
[13] Beatrix Darmstädter, Dietmar Salaberger: Katalog, in: Die Krummhörner und die Windkapselschalmei aus derSammlung alter Musikinstrumente, ed. by Beatrix Darmstädter, Sammlungskataloge des KunsthistorischenMuseums, vol. 8, ed. by Sabine Haag, Vienna 2015, p. 139.
[14] see [9], p. 199.
[15] Rudolf Hopfner, Andrea Zanr?: New Light on an Uncut Diamond, in: The Strad, October 2014, no. 1494, p. 36.
[16] see [15], p. 40.
[17] Rudolf Hopfner: Micro-CT Scan of the Girolamo Amati Viola: a forensic examination, in: The Girolamo Amati Violain the Galleria Estense, ed. by Andrea Zanr?, Treasures of Italian Violin Making, vol. 1, Parma 2014, p. 44?45.
[18] see [17], p. 44.
[19] see [17], p. 47?48.
[20] see [Online:] [Accessed: 23-November-2015].

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