
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Judit Pető, Imre Cserni and Attila Hüvely


In Hungary, there is a growing demand for consumption of natural foods like fruits and vegetables. To increase the variety of fruits, consumption of medlar may be an especially good solution by several ways. In our study we compared nutrient and macro and micro element contents in two medlar types. Dutch giant and Szentesi rose species had high potassium, calcium and magnesium content. Iron concentration was also high. In late autumn it can be a source of vitamin C as well. According to the results of our study it is worth rediscovering medlar. It is especially recommended for children and for adults with weakened immune system. Our test results underline the importance of nutritional physiology and especially draw attention to the nutritional aspects of domestic species, especially Szentesi rose.


Keywords: medlar, nutrient content, mineral elements, vitamin C, nutritional effect,


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