
VOL 3, NO 1 (2016): SPRING (APRIL)



Virág Mihálka, C. Gerard van der Linden and István Nagy


For generating molecular markers for Tobamovirus-resistance alleles in pepper, we tested the application of NBS-profiling procedure, which specifically produces markers in or near resistance genes. The NBS-profiling method was applied to controlled crosses, in which the donor plants with L1, L3 and L4 resistance alleles were crossed with sensitive C. annuum ‘Albaregia’. Individuals of F2 progenies containing the three different resistance alleles, were phenotypically characterized and used for further analysis. DNA of resistant and susceptible F2 plants was digested and ligated with adapter. In the PCR reaction one adapter primer and one degenerate NBS specific primer were used. The PCR products were analyzed on 6% polyacrylamid gels. Partially co-segregating bands with the resistant phenotype L3 were found.


Keywords: Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), Tobamovirus-resistance, NBS profiling, molecular marker,


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